
are never made in the literature of the future.

I can only write to you from the consciousness I have been given to know.

I would like to share with you in order to exist.

The direct approach is the only way I know—unfiltered.

I have been given to know an ancient mind from which I cannot stray, though I often                      JUMP AHEAD          only to be started and return back to the beginning.

I am a guided experiment broadcasting in the

center of the words you read.

I know no one but myself and I try to be kind to all appearances and remain close to the sacred silver lining of the inner dream.

You might wonder who this “I” that speaks is. But then again, you might not. I have learned not to make assumptions about other life forms.

In fact like you I am no-thing and every-thing all at once. But since we are now between worlds in a shifting dimension I consider that we are the imageless awaiting our arrival.

43 thoughts on “Introductions

  1. Kin regards to you too
    Excited to be connected in this thought stream.
    The new ds spin (kin34) this week has definetly amped up the shift to the phase of our journey. I look forward to more posts!
    Branch – 160

      • Ook al is het 5 jaar geleden dat je dit schreef, Mieke, ik spreek Hollands tegen je omdat je Nederlandse bent, of Nederlands spreekt, wat ik hopelijk terecht aanneem, de groep van Cobra en zijn initiatief Prepare For Change, is naar mijn visie van een hoog nivo fata morgana makelij. Heb je de achtergrond van de man die zich Cobra noemt bestudeerd?

        Zijn origine is het land wat zich nu Tsjechie noemt en zijn oude naam is Ishtar Antares. Onder die naam heeft hij een interview gehad met een radiostation, waar hij geen reden had om zijn stem te laten moduleren. Ik heb dat interview beluistert en de foto die van hem bekend is, heb ik voorgelegd aan een Japanse vrouw die een seminar met hem bijwoonde. Zij bevestigde me dat de foto dezelfde man toont als de man in het seminar, die zich nu Cobra noemt. Ik heb hem rechtstreeks gevraagd om uitleg omtrent zijn oude identiteit en reden van stem-modulering, wat hem heeft doen besluiten om dat in te voeren.

        Ook heb ik contact gehad met moderators die binnen dit project werkzaam zijn en een voormalig lid van de PFC-council. Dat is niet best, wat zij vertellen over hun ervaringen. Er is hoegenaamd geen transparantie, geen fysieke ontmoeting tussen degenen in de kern van PFC. Het ex-council lid van PFC werd niet ingelicht omtrent de praktische kant van haar functie en verantwoordelijkheid daarin.

        De PFC moderators zijn felle strijders tegen onrecht op een wijze die Don Quichote doet verbleken van jalouzie, ben ik bang. De grote hoeveelheid mainstream dramatisch nieuws, gepubliceerd op de PFC site vind ik uiterst vreemd en niet nuttig voor de verkenning en creatie van welzijn voor allen.

        Hoe dan ook, hou je ogen en oren goed open en verifieer zoveel mogelijk wat je verneemt vanuit de hoek van PFC. Er is geen enkele bron van info te vinden, online, waar connecties worden getoond met anderen, in de wereld van 3D of virtueel. Dat geeft te denken, vind ik. Het zou goed om een cult kunnen gaan.

        Ik heb het hele concept PFC naast me neergelegd en ook de Cintamani steen terug gestuurd naar Tsjechie, waar die steen geprogrammeerd wordt met Ishtar Antares aka Cobra’s Tachyon machinerie. Ook daarover zwijgt de man in alle talen, als ik hem ernaar vraag.

        Voor mij is het weigeren van een reactie een veeg teken. Anderen kunnen inbrengen dat de man zijn volle aandacht richt op Victorie van het Licht en zich niet met triviale aardse zaken inlaat, maar voor mij kan dat evengoed een listig omzeilen van zijn eigen duistere waarheid zijn.

        Dank voor het lezen van dit lange commentaar, Mieke! Het is niet mijn bedoeling om jou van gedachten te doen veranderen, maar mijn ervaringen met PFC te delen met je. Alle goeds en ik hoop dat dit schrijfsel kan waarderen, als het je bereikt tenminste.

  2. i am not annick i am an aprentice oxcimi learning to cross the bridge of time and jump the wall of light
    thank you in lakech

  3. Self-Existing 1, Mirror 12, Dali, 2011

    After reading the above, I was inspired to add the following …

    Align your cube with the sun. Pay attention to where you are in relation to the cube of space. Which direction are you facing? In this way you can make conscious the positions you hold during the waking hours. The Base Matrix Unit for today is 22, distilled from 463. Exterior activating (+6) time of cosmic ascension, hyperplasmic lateral line of force in the 2nd time dimension. This coordinates the activating rhythmic tone in the continuing conscious sphere in beta-alpha (slightly more awake than dreaming). Searching for balance in all things.
    Sunlight through a glass window has no ultra-violet information. To receive the full spectrum you need to go outside into direct sunlight. In this way you are no different from a plant. (Followed instructions, absorbing sunlight into face and palms).
    Numbers are a description of light slowed to the speed of a thought construct. This is not to be confused with the speed of time which is instantaneously infinite. Number as frequency means a number of things; cycle, wavelength, amplitude, ratios and factors to name a few.
    When I face west I face the past, when I face east I face the future. But when I am sitting in the east I channel the future as it observes the past roll over the horizon. Did you miss an opportunity yesterday? Sitting in the east means being consciously aware of my directional influence by using the movement of the earth as it spins and orbits the sun to feed my awareness.
    A new moon today, Self-Existing and holding the Crystal Mirror in the place of one, the first day of the Owl moon. Unite with the power of measuring. How do we cooperate on a new beginning? If the power of cooperation codes the first day of the Self-Existing Moon, what does this mean?
    For the people in the ‘Occupy’ movement what does this mean? The power of cooperation is the power of the Yogi, the power of meditation as a means to discovering the source of your own mind. In the Vulom, this is 402, the place of the 6th Heptad Gate on the 8th circuit, Hyperneutron, hyperneutronic subliminal consciousness, 6th time dimension, 6th mental sphere (subliminal consciousness). Radiogenesis establishes galactic life whole.
    In practical terms (and plain English) I suspect that this means that the source of unity for the ‘Occupy” movement is still beneath the surface and that nobody really knows what is going on yet. The mirroring aspect is in the polarity, so watch what happens as it plays out on a global scale. Which countries are a part of this movement and which aren’t? Of the countries involved, how many cities are being activated? What is the polarization? Is there a crack-down or is there tolerance?
    What is happening and what you see of it and become aware of, is the picture of the situation as it comes to your waking consciousness. Your role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha. In other words, to move consciousness through its various stages; preconscious, subconscious, waking conscious, continuing conscious, superconscious, subliminal conscious and eventually to create the Holomind Perceiver.
    As the Holomind Perceiver awakens, so will the world.
    Your role is to become the lens through which the Holomind Perceiver views the world. What will this feel like? You are the microscope, the microcosm through which the noosphere manifests. Does this entail a struggle? Look around you. Are people struggling? What can you do to alleviate their suffering? What can you do to alleviate your own suffering?
    There is a place where all suffering ceases. When you reach this place you will know, or maybe not. Your waking consciousness may not be able to cope with the occasion. It doesn’t matter, because you will have experienced it. Once you have had this experience you are never the same, the return has begun in earnest.
    “ … to divine is to know directly by mind. May the pure light universe infuse our soul’s journey, that the planetary noosphere may become the crown of pure radiance!” CHC Vol VI, page 70

    • I am someone who is touched by what you wrote, and who would like to be one who corresponds with you. I am a Time Traveller, and have been following the Dreamspell on and off for 23 years. I am planning a blog called Dreamseed P

      • I am planning a blog called ‘Dreamseed Pathfinder’, with my numerology profiles to be made available (Pathfinder Numerology). This system is designed to illuminate the 13 Spiritual Bodies of our Multidimensional Self, showing the gifts, challenges and potential we are born with. I am a channeler who is going to reveal what is going to become our greatest gift we could ever live with, and that is our Destiny. My Daughter who lives in Heaven’s Place now, wants you to understand right now that you are one who gives Light, Love, and a Way To Be that will let everyone understand how it is that someone can get Cosmic Consciousness and thrive with having been so dedicated. She wants you to understand that You are a Her, one who let this information come to Mother Earth. Just understand that she will listen to your Songs Everyday, so you can have Peace in your Heart Evermore.

  4. Once I was back and forth between past and future of the three. I now have a sense of the future. Larger social forces, the Japanese people living in cities. they not living in the earth.
    living in a society where the economy. I held meetings several times a meditation practice. The role of human beings, want to restore function as antennae to receive the higher cosmic energy. Every day I send Dr.Jose’s notice(star traveler’s 13 moon almanac’s translation and from his works) to friends. However, people’s consciousness and the mind is filled with companies and family life.
    leaving the meditation hall, they forget in five minutes. I’m sad it. That family life is television and habit dominate. religion family is doctrine. Both are missing in harmony with nature and the earth. there are very powerful. I’m very tiny. your being is encourage me.

  5. The Intention of ART is Beauty
    Yellow Solar Star
    Self-existing Owl moon (4 Worldbridger, planetary service wavespell)
    Blue Kali 11, Serpent in the Cube
    White Rhythmic Wizard year

    Greetings Red Queen,
    As your analog and workshop friend from Ashland and Cancun, I am grateful for this amazing opportunity to reach you and to hear of your inspirations. Your friend Red Galactic Serpent was my Dreamspell/Tzolkin teacher. She spurred me to learn yet did it so artfully and skillfully that it seems effortless. That began back in Spectral moon, White Spectral Wizard year. As it were, I have followed the Dreamspell faithfully with great joy, ease and enlightenment to the point of being a seer in Time and day-night keeper of the Law of Time.
    I love this “study” of Time. It seems few have actually accomplished the deeper realizations that Valum Votan revealed. I find that I deeply desire to share, and that seems best done here with you, by your grace. I hope this channel might be open in such a way that these relevant insights from my quarter may be shared more broadly. I ask your permission, please.

    May You have a Beautiful Day and Sweet Dreams…

    At your service,
    In Lak’ech
    White Electric Wizard
    Oregon, Ecotopia Bioregion

  6. Your words resonate with me, in a way I have not felt with anyone in my life time, as a human being. I believe you have allowed yourself to open to the energy of all of existence, past, present and future, in all dimensions and on all levels…in otherwords, you ride with the flow the whole…and being in human form, you are physically limited to understanding what you are aware of in/of and around your whole being.
    I have spent my whole life wishing to find someone who is aware in such a way, and yet, with the exception of you, there seems to be no one. Too, I’ve often wondered what you and I would discuss should we ever meet. You have words, I do not. I am simply aware and knowing, but have no words. I call this knowing, Linguistics of the light, the light being the whole of all existence. It’s amazing to be intimately aware and knowing of this linguisitcs of the light, and yet, not be able to share with other humans.

  7. In Lak`ech
    Somos amor, paz y armonía eterna
    Feliz de encontrarnos en el mundo de los sueño,
    viajando con los unicornios alados
    en el planeta bosque
    viven las nubes que
    danzan arco iris

    mucha agua clara que nos limpie al despertar..
    al alba del tiempo nuevo

  8. alo aqui ben kan desde la bioregion de ben
    hermoso saber ke el agente 11.11 paso su dias terrenales a tan magika mujer
    amor infinito el plan fue emitido solo nos keda respirar amor ……

  9. 13:20- what a blessing to have arrived here where the view is expansive and the pages are filled with love and truth.
    I await with much joy, the return of Quetzalcoatl, the rainbow plumed serpent encircling the planet, as the Sun sings in waves of transformative glory, the transit of Venus heralding a higher frequency of wholeness and harmony..
    Synchronized awakenings-threads of light forming synchronicities in the Solar Age of Light-A new Earth awaits.
    In Lak’ech-Ala Kin.


  11. Just discovered your blog and signed up for new postings. As the Host of BBS Radio’s Cosmic LOVE for seven years, I’ve interviewed numerous experts on the Mayan calendar and appreciate your ‘natural time’ perspective on cosmic cycles. My recent article on DISCERNMENT and the ‘Art of LOVE’ may be of interest to your readers with my permission to use in part or whole at:

  12. Under the framework of introductions, mine is a question and that is for some more direct communication with Stephanie South, eye have somthing that eye believe is time for it to come to your attention and to the attention and time keeping practices of the world and all who maintain the banner of natural time.

    Eye feel that before it can be released to the world it must be viewed by the Red Queen

    eym not sure how to get a hold of you, , but here is my info

    ye eagerly await a reply

    cuz ya its time for that magic

    eyl leave you a hint


    The Auron Has Awakened

  13. A través de la página web de Bosch también podrás solicitar online la reparación de un técnico. De forma online también podrás rellenar un formulario de consulta para aclarar tus dudas acerca de los electrodomésticos Bosch. Si necesitas localizar tu servicio técnico oficial Bosch, podrás hacerlo de igual forma utilizando el localizador disponible en la página web.

  14. Dreamspell Genesis states: “Timeship Earth. Five castles ever revolving together in the Dreamspell Genesis of time. A red castle to the east, a white castle to the north, a blue castle to the west, a yellow castle to the south, and a green enchanted castle in the center. Each castle is entered by four magnetic gates. For each castle a red magnetic gate unlocks the eastern castle quarter; a white magnetic gate unlocks the northern castle quarter; a blue magnetic gate unlocks the western castle quarter; a yellow magnetic gate unlocks the southern castle quarter.”

    There is also a green magnetic gate and green kin prophesied by the Green Day Out of Time. Five castles, five gates, and five kin of five colors. Green Day speaks of the “Green Enchantment Kin” who “attain the power of magical flight, rainbow nation fulfilled. Central castle complete” for Timeship Earth’s magnetic circumpolar rainbow to light Timeship navigation into the eternity of Hunab Ku.
    (posted Feb 8, 2022, kin 161, Red Overtone Dragon).

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