Solstice, Sabbats and England Event

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. … There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
—Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

Solstice and Equinox are points for heightened synchronicity and magic. June 20, 2016 Solstice occurs on Blue Magnetic Night coinciding with a Full Moon, an occurrence that will not happen again until 6.21.2062: Red Galactic Skywalker.

On this powerful Solstice day comes a reminder of the patterns of nature through the Wheel of the Year: the 8 sabbats + 1 Day out of Time. Sabbats (sacred time) are the elemental cycles of nature that effect and inform our consciousness based on the solar cycle with the appearance and disappearance of light.

All of our holidays are based on these 8 sabbats which were originally seasonal celebrations of the elemental world. They were prompted not by calendars but by changes of light and observing rainfall, nature and the natural world.

This is a blueprint of the earths time: two equinoxes holding the gravitational plane and balancing dark and light; and two solstices marking the death and birth of the Sun.
Christian holidays are based on this Wheel. After the establishment of the Christian church the ways of nature were displaced and our natural festivals of the elements were replaced  by religious holidays: solstice for Chrismas and Equinox for Easter, etc.

It is beautiful to strip down to the elements and feel the simplicity of the natural cycles based on the sun’s appearance and disappearance.

Here is a brief overview of the 8 sabbats:

Samhain begins the year, and is the ultimate rite of the union of masculine and feminine that created the new conception. This mythology is based on the birth of the sun.


8 Sabbats +1 Day out of Time. Approximate dates according to Northern Hemisphere (reverse for Southern). Each of these 9 points has a galactic guardian as represented in this graphic as the 9 Great Lha, governing time and destiny. Also the 8 contains the base triplet codons of the DNA. These points are what order our planet.

On Winter Solstice (Yule) the seed is planted and gestates in womb. It is the time when we celebrate the return of light, the birth of sun within the dark of the night.  Then we move to Imbolc (Candlemas) to celebrate the return of the sun. This is still celebrated in many places around the world as the festival of lights.. In the United States children’s holidays have been overlaid onto the nature points; i.e. Halloween has been overlaid onto Samhain and Groundhog day for Imbolc.

Spring equinox (Ostara) is the celebration of new light when nature bursts forth with new life and flowers begin to bloom, a time of awakening from the dark slumber.  Then we move to Beltaine which is a ceremony of love, wine, dance and fertility. This is followed by Summer Solstice (Midsummer), the time of the great Ripening, when the Sun climaxes, reaching its peak and we celebrate the fullness of life.

Then sun begins to wane and we enter into Lughnasad (Lammas), a time of ceremony to celebrate the waning of sun and a point of turning within. Then we reach the Autumn Equinox (Mabon), a magical time when the leaves turn colors and fall to the ground. This time represents the death of the old sun and turning inward for reflection and introspection in preparation for the next gestation of the sun’s cycle.

Between Summer Solstice and Lammas is the Day out of Time,  the only galactic holiday where we celebrate solar/galactic consciousness, time is art, universal forgiveness and the remembrance of our star origins.

If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted, like trees.
—Rainer Maria Rilke



Day out of Time is in just 35 Days! Please send your event flyers to: 

JOIN US IN LINCOLNSHIRE, ENGLAND FOR 4-DAY EVENT COINCIDING WITH THE DAY OUT OF TIME. July 24, 25, 26, 27. For more information scroll down. Contact Heather at Dev Aura:  heatherm@aura-soma-academy.net

OR MEET IN GLASTONBURY, ENGLAND FOR A FREE CIRCLE ON SELF-EXISTING HUMAN, July 19, 2016. Contact Vicki Cunninham: Red Galactic Earth: vicki c <  


ORDER YOUR 13 MOON ALMANACS:  AVAILABLE NOW!  This goes well with the



July 26 begins the Year of the Blue Spectral Storm. Order your 13 Moon Almanacs Now!

13 Moon Galactic Calendars Now available from!

July 24-27 (Kin 217 – 220) in Dev Aura, Tetford, Lincolnshire
with Stephanie South and Avani

You are invited to join us in this journey to reconnect our inner circuitry and walk the path of the Galactic Archetypes back to the center of the galaxy! The Galactic Tree of Life awaits!  Please contact Heather Morrison •

Event on Facebook.

6 thoughts on “Solstice, Sabbats and England Event


  2. Pingback: Solstice, Sabbats and England Event | Anne`s News

  3. Yes these 8 Holy Days are so auspicious to observe and consciously cycle with – Natural Earth Holidays! Thank you RQ for highlighting them so beautiful! BLESSINGS TO ALL! Here’s the Link to Order Our Galactic Calendars that Red Queen in recommending ~ IN LAK’ECH! Eden Sky, 4 Skywalker

  4. Pingback: Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time – Foundation for the Law of Time

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