25 thoughts on “Tomb of Red Queen and Dimensional Shift

  1. Thank you so much for this posting – I too have been experiencing great sadness and a disturbance in my solar plexus. A while ago (Lunar Moon 12, Red Rhythmic Skywalker) I did a ritual working with a group of people (11 altogether) where we imaginatively journeyed to the city of Tollan. The pattern we used was the Tollan mandala in CHC Vol VI. The mandala fits exactly onto the Holomind Perceiver matrix and in my visualization I found myself in a city with a large central pyramid surrounded by four gates and 8 smaller pyramids. Each of the pyramids can be associated with one of the tones of the wavespell, from 5 to 13. The smaller pyramid we visited was the Rhythmic temple and our guide that day was the Prophet. Perhaps that will help to set off the understanding you need for making sense of the following …

    “He informed me that the center of the earth radiates light beams of information that connect with all of the pyramid structures on the planet. I understood these as the interplanetary regeneration chambers. He was also communicating something about the pyramids being overlays of a particular matrix structure that can be understood through the 441-cube matrix (though I do not yet fully understand this yet).”


  2. wow so precious that VV beamed in right as your were seeking him so strongly…
    so beautiful… makes me want to cry with joy…

    “higher harmonics to transform the world” – love it!!!!

    thank you for sharing such intimacy and magic of your inner life with us!
    blessings blessings blessings!
    Happy Owl Moon!

  3. I dreamt that big solid things where falling from the skyes.
    That is what will happen when all of the information we are absorving
    gets to the Blue Resonant Storm, (by now they are only condensing)
    When the proper tone (the right moment) is reached, all the cubed codons will manifest in the 3rd dimension transforming it all.

    I made a list of 40 Fibonacci positions and figured it as a factor of transformation for the last 40 last Cristal Courts (started on kin 207), the last 40 weeks and also especially for the last 40 days of the cycle.
    It works perfectly for understanding the acceleration of change as we approach the Closing of the Cycle.

    Posición 40, Corte Cristal del kin 207: 102334152
    Posición 39, Corte Cristal del kin 220: 63245984
    Posición 38, Corte Cristal del kin 233: 39088168
    Posición 37, Corte Cristal del kin 246: 24157816
    Posición 36, Corte Cristal del kin 259: 14930352
    Posición 35, Corte Cristal del kin 12: 9227465
    Posición 34, Corte Cristal del kin 25: 5702887
    Posición 33, Corte Cristal del kin 38: 3524578
    Posición 32, Corte Cristal del kin 51: 2178309
    Posición 31, Corte Cristal del kin 64: 1346269
    Posición 30, Corte Cristal del kin 77: 832040
    Posición 29, Corte Cristal del kin 90: 514229
    Posición 28, Corte Cristal del kin 103: 317811
    Posición 27, Corte Cristal del kin 116: 196418
    Posición 26, Corte Cristal del kin 129: 121393
    Posición 25, Corte Cristal del kin 142: 75025
    Posición 24, Corte Cristal del kin 155: 46368
    Posición 23, Corte Cristal del kin 168: 28657
    Posición 22, Corte Cristal del kin 181: 17711
    Posición 21, Corte Cristal del kin 194: 10946
    Posición 20, Corte Cristal del kin 207: 6765
    Posición 19, Corte Cristal del kin 220: 4181
    Posición 18, Corte Cristal del kin 233: 2584
    Posición 17, Corte Cristal del kin 246: 1597
    Posición 16, Corte Cristal del kin 259: 987
    Posición 15, Corte Cristal del kin 12: 610
    Posición 14, Corte Cristal del kin 25: 377
    Posición 13, Corte Cristal del kin 38: 233
    Posición 12, Corte Cristal del kin 51: 144
    Posición 11, Corte Cristal del kin 64: 89 *Valum Votan (11) ascended on kin 89, 64= ADN
    Posición 10, Corte Cristal del kin 77: 55
    Posición 9, Corte Cristal del kin 90: 34
    Posición 8, Corte Cristal del kin 103: 21
    Posición 7, Corte Cristal del kin 116: 13 *se observa relacion 13:7
    Posición 6, Corte Cristal del kin 129: 8
    Posición 5, Corte Cristal del kin 142: 5
    Posición 4, Corte Cristal del kin 155: 3
    Posición 3, Corte Cristal del kin 168: 2
    Posición 2, Corte Cristal del kin 181: 1
    Posición 1, Corte Cristal del kin 194: 1
    Posición 0, Corte Cristal Planetaria del kin 207: 0 * Closing of the Cycle

    Valum Votan is fully transmuted in to a Planet Art Network now.
    May sadness lead you to peace of mind.


    kin 177 Red Galactic Earth

  4. Perhaps the “sadness” is a kind of “post-partem depression”, felt collectively, even now, by most all humans, as we open to the inevitably impending “separation-from-all-that-once-was”…

  5. i have this expirience in first and second moon of current year, but not in a lucid dream, i was awake…. I felt so fine, it was amazing, i was in this state in reallity, perfectly explained by you ” understood that we are always surrounded by an overlay of dimensions that are vibrating at different frequencies. It was as though I was being shown how to go back and forth through these frequencies.” if you want to contact to me georgyart@hotmail.com – Caban13

  6. It’s really an interessant dream. There was some years I’ve been thinking about the pyramids and I think that all of them are “interattach” by strategic energetic points like a network and giving support in a veil made of energy that give opening to another dimensions of time. And when I read this text about your dream … well, I was impressed. I think Votan is trying to informe something, of course.

    As I work with stones and crystals in energetic therapy, I think you must use a Citrine in your solar plexus to give you an energetic support in this area.

    Thanks to share your dreams with us.

    In Lak’ech!


    • THank you Lara. I too am continuing to meditate on the pyramids .. in light of the 441 cube. There is more information about this
      in Synchronotron section on law of time site… you are most intuitive regarding citrine–blessings!

  7. RQ – glazed and lased by this transmission…..there are no words yet we still use them but the vibe and vibration of the dream remains in all of our hearts…..to hear and see as you did brings all of us much joy….VV is alive and well through your translations – transmorphic communications…..Resting in these words I am aloft in the new web of creation as we all move closer to the closing…..how clear it all is to hear these words and understand their true meaning…..it’s as though the EVENT has already taken place yet still the time tics on and we are all in the chamber…..with you and VV……
    Full of Love for you Both….. ycstar*

  8. “When Love Comes Forward, the Fragments of Creation become Whole….”

    Let us bless this moment as the totality of all future creation….in the name of the Red Queen Dream; we are the new keepers of this sacred reality!

    Red Galctic Dragon/ Lorence

  9. Pingback: 432 Hz, Lost Chord and New Beam | 13:20 : FREQUENCY : SHIFT

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