Message from the Future?

On the morning of the equinox, Kin 127, I woke up to a powerful dream that I am still unfolding. 

I share as it feels connected to the Mirror wavespell experiment posted in the previous blog.  

In the dream, Valum Votan appeared. He indicated something “big” was coming. He said much assistance is now available. His evolution was apparent, and his energy was highly refined.

I saw a flash of light, and then my perception shifted. I was seeing through the lens of the future. This world had already passed away. What we experience as reality is just a past replica. I realized that all of the “new’ knowledge and discoveries on earth are all in the past. It is old knowledge from a future lens. The more we are immersed in the world mind, the less we can perceive the bigger picture and the new movements of energy.

I asked Votan where he was, and he said he was living in a place “similar to New Zealand” but also very different. He transmitted images. He knew that the beauty of New Zealand was the closest approximation that my human mind could relate to. But I understood that where he is actually at, is a place I cannot yet fully grasp.

I asked for his phone number, the prefix was 441, and the rest of the numbers were meaningful, but I did not remember when I woke up. I commented on the numbers, and he said jokingly, “well, what numbers did you expect?”

Then he led me to what appeared as an esoteric art installation in a very large warehouse. He wanted me to meet a man, who I was told is on earth now. He asked me to listen to him as he was a man of wisdom. The man appeared to be in his mid-60s and had a unique and mysterious energy yet was approachable. I was intrigued by his depth of being. He made no small talk and told me that in less than 30 years, the earth would be completely changed. Everything. He didn’t give a specific date but indicated soon that the “reset” button was scheduled.  This reset has to do with transitioning from form to frequency.

He repeated this message a few times as if to really imprint it in me. In an instant I understood the meaning of the biosphere-noosphere transition and all that we are currently experiencing on earth. Though much transmitted in the dream that I could not recall upon waking.

His words conjured a type of Noah’s ark scenario in my mind. I heard the words from the Bible: “Be ye renewed by the renewing of your mind.” I understood the knowledge of the Law of Time was merely to prepare the mind for this reset, so we will not be shocked.

We are building the bridge of time, an interdimensional ark, from the world of form to the world of frequency.

 In the dream I could feel that Votan was leaving and I said, “I love you so much.” As I said those words, I could feel a part of my energy was still coming from human conditioning. I felt it immediately and cleared it instantly. He said it was very different where he is at, and that he is currently working with “Athena.” I noted this and wondered about the meaning.

He then motioned to one of his trusted helpers, Kin 34, who was standing in the background by a car, awaiting instructions. Votan motioned to him that it was time to go, and motioned for me to get in the car. The car was a strange compact low to the ground futuristic looking Italian sports car. The top opened for us to climb in. Votan said he was taking me to an important movie and that we can’t be late. The movie was a preview of coming attractions for what is soon to come.

End of dream …

I woke up and wrote down the words: Do your best, but the reward is in another dimension.

Upon waking, many pieces of the inner puzzle began to cohere. I wrote in my journal for nearly two hours. In looking at the coding and noting the less than 30 years, I noted again that 2039-2040 will be Kin 34 years: White Galactic Wizard. This will complete the 52-year cycle of the inception of the wizard’s count that begins during Harmonic Convergence 1987.

I looked up Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, and made many notes.Then I understood more deeply the meaning of the biosphere-noosphere transition as a time of adjustment to this new way of being that we are entering after the “reset.” The new “reality” we are entering will be nothing like what we think. The purpose of the seven volumes of the Cosmic History Chronicles is to prepare the mind for a new way of perceiving. It is a between-the-worlds-transmission that communicates on multiple dimensions beyond words.

The codes of time and all of the knowledge accompanying them are like training wheels so we can become familiar with this new vehicle that we are moving into; the new vehicle is based on elevating our frequency so that we will not be shocked when the world of form changes. We will embrace and surf the changes seamlessly, riding into a new octave.

24 thoughts on “Message from the Future?

  1. Kin 34. Galactic Signature of Master Fard Muhammad. Today Moon 3 Day 3 in world year 1931 was the first meeting between Kin 34 Master Fard Muhammad and Kin 17 The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

  2. Pingback: Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Stephanie South | 13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT | Forever Unlimited

  3. Pow! We R! Full! = POWERFUL!
    Peace & Blessings Sister Red Queen🌹, love that you shared these details. First, what a striking resemblance of that particular photo/statue of Athena to you. Perhaps Valum Votan’s message was also speaking to the continuation of his energy residing and working within you! Athena was known for her skill in peace time pursuits. We know this work is divinely orchestrated and those who are prepared are allowed to enter relams of knowledge (past, present & future tenses). Others may not understand so transmitters are required for the cities, such as yourself.
    In an ongoing study today! I was brought to one of our Creator Allah’s attributes “Al ‘Atheem”. I thought to myself, i dont remember this name but what an interesting & different name. The characteristics of it is “The Magnificent, The Supreme”. Through transliteration we can see Al ‘Atheem and Athena in reflection as twins. In the Iliad, godess Athena was born from the mind of her father, Zeus. Those who have eyes will see the moral mortal spirit flows from the immortal Eternal origen of The Mind of Allah, God.
    Pray All is well with you sister! -Kin 161🌺

  4. Pow! We R! Ful! = POWERFUL! Peace & Blessings Sister Red Queen🌷, love that you shared these details. First, what a striking resemblance of that particular photo/statue of Athena to you. Perhaps Valum Votan’s message was also speaking to the continuation of his energy residing and working within you! Athena was known for her skill in peace time pursuits. We know this work is divinely orchestrated and those who are prepared are allowed to enter relams of knowledge (past, present & future tenses). Others may not understand so transmitters are required for the cities, such as yourself. In an ongoing study yesterday! I was brought to one of our Creator Allah’s attributes “Al ‘Atheem”. I thought to myself, i dont remember this name but what an interesting & different name. The characteristics of it is “The Magnificent, The Supreme”. Through transliteration we can see Al ‘Atheem and Athena in reflection as twins. In the Iliad godess Athena was born from the mind of her father, Zeus. Those who have eyes will see the moral mortal spirit flows from the immortal Eternal origen of The Mind of Allah, God. Pray All is well with you sister! – Kin 161🌺

  5. Indeed a glorious post to receive on this Crystal Moon day, kin 129. I discovered we will soon enter Rosh Ashana New Year 5783 (13×441) + 50 / (22×260) +13. 5783 reduces to 5 as does several of the other numbers reduce to 5. Form is associated with 4 and Overtone of 5 is the +1 factor (within and outside the form). As a 4 Human I wrestle with my attachment to form and appreciate the imperative of frequency shift. It is hard to not get attached to beautiful people, things, songs, etc. We CAN enjoy them without attachment and within there lies the overtone +1 frequency of BEing rather than DOing. Experience beyond hopes and fears within the sacred seed of eternal vast space. I have my training wheels on and share deep gratitude for the Galactic Kin on this journey!

  6. Dear Stephanie, Thank you so much for this post, as well as all the others I have received from you. I find it particularly fascinating in relation to Athena : from an Aura-Soma perspective it really relates. x Ann Clare

      • Hi Stephanie, here is some of the info on Pallas Athena which in Aura-Soma is Equilibrium B57 pink over pale blue. Master of the magenta ray. “I let go and trust the process of life”. An understanding of dreams and working with the dream life; to know or sense that everything is just a dream. Also helps us to do what is appropriate in relation to “right livelihood” (Applying your particular quality). Creativity and attention to detail.
        Whiff of war.
        Woman who goes out to battle.
        Athena – shield, sword, helmet, owl. Associated with Brigit, Goddess of Poetry and Divination.
        Sees into the dark side and brings victory.
        etc xx Ann

  7. Pingback: Message du futur ?? - 13 Lunes

  8. Correcto, todo es perfecto, la forma de ahora, la frecuencia de mañana. La Reina ATENA. Señor hágase tu voluntad en nosotros humanos, seres estelares, semilas en producción. Todos somos uno, todos evolucionaremos en nuestra frecuencia para que Gaia sea libre y sus hijos vivan su libertad estrella.

  9. “Form to frequency” shift feels similar to the shift from ajna (mind) awareness to solar plexus (spirit) awareness that Human Design speaks of happening in 2027. It will be gradual however, stabilizing over generations. Interesting indeed!

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