Ancient Future Initiation: Egypt, Greece, Italy

Breaking Historical Patterns

A Testimony dedicated to Time’s Special Witness

“Wrapped in the cloak of the Synchronic Order Walk the sacred tunnel between the Worlds.” —Valum Votan

This report was intended to go on the Foundation for the Law of Time website to share about our recent 3-day event near Turin, Italy on Kin 113-115. The theme was Living Between the Worlds. But as I began writing I was inspired to give a larger context of the initiations leading up to it. 

I share this story as it is rich with synchronicity, weaving multiple themes that will hopefully tap your memory and help you connect more dots. It also illustrates how personal initiations are fractals of a larger pattern if we view them as such. All is according to the perceptual lens or radio station we are attuned to.

I will now rewind to the beginning of this journey to illustrate how the whole theme of the trip was “living between the worlds.” The mission of this trip was to assist in clearing old patterns and anchor new frequency at three key places: Luxor, Egypt; Athens, Greece and Turin, Italy.

This mission came through a dream that was followed by the Excalibur crystal breaking on Resonant Moon 14/January 23, 2023. This was White Electric Dog, Kin 250: “I activate in order to love.”

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan received this double terminated crystal on January 24, 1985, his forty-sixth birthday. He often spoke of the power of crystals to hold their memory of form over extensive periods, and by attuning to them properly, one might dial into other levels of reality.

He credited the Excalibur crystal with opening his memory banks to the understanding of the technology of telepathy. He credited this crystal with transmitting the 260 postulates of the Dynamics of Time. Within the crystal, he was aware of the North and South Pole. He experienced simultaneously the linear universe and, in the middle of it, the radial universe. When the crystal broke in half, I felt a release of energy followed by dream messages that would lead me on an initiatic journey.

Soon after, I decided to travel to Italy after an online meeting with original Earth Wizard Antonio, Kin 225, and Beppe, kin 63, who leads the Invisible College in Turin. Beppe and I connected over nearly simultaneous dreams of the goddess Athena, and he presented many other number synchronicities to me.

Shortly after the meeting, I had two consecutive dreams about Luxor, Egypt. In the second dream, I received a message to place half of the Excalibur into the Nile River to anchor the ancient future knowledge. I would then keep the other half of the crystal as a walkie-talkie device. I was noting that at one point, Votan had buried the crystal in the back of the Temple of Inscriptions. He thought he would leave it there forever. But it called him back. So now all the codes it absorbed are released into the Nile River.

I reflected that water is the keeper of memory, and the Nile is the longest river on Earth and one of the few rivers that flow from South to North. Of course, Ancient Egyptians revered it as their source of life. It is also significant that the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar is based on the heliacal rising of Sirius that occurred before the annual flooding of the Nile during summer.

It was never on my radar to travel to Luxor physically. I had been to the Great Pyramid and Sphinx in Cairo in 2015 and did not have the desire to return to Egypt. But if felt, a larger Force was magnetizing me there.

It feels significant that before arriving in Egypt, I was in New York and got a tour of Montauk from Peter Moon, author of the Montauk and Transylvania series. We met with a man who claimed to be a time traveler and showed us an artifact that he claimed slipped through the dimensions. There is much more to this story, but I only mention it for the time travel theme, which sets a context for the journey. This story actually begins here at the Memory Motel in Montauk. :)

After visiting Montauk and the night before arriving in Egypt, I had a powerful dream. This was Kin 97: Red Rhythmic Earth: “I organize to evolve, balancing synchronicity … ”

Dream: Tree of Life

The dream starts as I am walking with a man in what looks like an old junkyard. We walk through what appears as a reception area. He takes me through a back door that leads into an ancient graveyard. The sky is gray and misty as I gaze at rows of well kept graves. Then out of nowhere a tree emerges in the center of the graveyard. I am captivated by the powerful energy that begins to permeate the graveyard. I feel a mystical warmth envelop me as the tree magnetizes me to it. The man tells me it is the Tree of Life!

Suddenly, I see my full name appear on one of the tree branches: Stephanie South. I am electrified. Below my name, I observed what appeared as a holographic scroll-down menu with other names. I read the names and realize that these are my names in previous incarnations. I understood that within the tree, one could access the index of experience of each incarnation. These experiences, taken as a whole, create what we experience in the present moment.

The man told me not to become too interested in all of the names and incarnations, as what is really important is the primal seed name which is pure vibrational essence. Each created entity has one. And no matter what incarnation and experience is acquired, this frequency signature remains the same. I had a vision of how our frequency signature is always in one place as we continuously change costumes incarnation after incarnation.

I understood that this Tree of Life is ever-evolving, keeping records of each soul’s accumulated life experience. The tree is grounded in the earth and extends into the heavens, where further “akashic fields” are deposited. The oldest trees on the planet contain the most rings; These rings are connected to human incarnations. Each person has a tree associated with their incarnations on this planet, as counted by the tree rings. Everyone must locate their own tree. The oldest tree contains the maximal incarnations of the oldest soul on this planet.

I also saw that the Tree of Life is connected to a larger cosmic tree that contains all “psi banks” in the heavens, including the cumulative experiences of other times and worlds. Psi bank in this context meaning the cosmic registry and storage unit of any created world’s evolutionary timing programs.

I noted that there was a blank space above my present name. I immediately understood this is the meaning of the “uninscribed.” All potential futures are contained in a type of cosmic womb — the nameless field of all potentiality that has not yet crystallized into form or name. This is “the uninscribed.” This is the archetype of the “Red Queen.” This is an ever changing universal archetype, perhaps the only archetype that is not “fixed.” The uninscribed must ever live in the Mystery, the place where what we might call “magic” is generated.

Entering Luxor

Luxor means the “palaces,” and was formerly known as Thebes. French researcher R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz put forth that Luxor Temple is the ‘Temple of Man’ – a place where initiates studied (hu)man’s role in the greater universe.

Arriving in Luxor, I was not prepared for the powerful energies I felt. The days in Egypt felt like an Eternity. I thought that I both wanted to stay forever and leave immediately. Connections with people were immediate, and I began to understand how frequency is the currency of the future.

Visiting the Valley of Kings, I had an experience that opened me to other realms. However, the experience could have been more pleasant.

I had a very knowledgable guide to navigate me through the Valley of the Kings, the burial ground for pharaohs who ruled Egypt during the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties. Initially I felt much resonance with the guide as if we were picking up where we left off in a former life. He was an official at the site and told me how his family was connected to King Tutankhamun’s tomb excavation. He promised to get me into the tombs to meditate. After spending a good portion of the day with him and having profound experiences, he told me now was the time to experience the most powerful place to meditate, inside the tomb of Tuthmosis that was closed to the public.

He led me deep into the Valley of Kings. As we were walking, I noted I could no longer see people and became a bit uncomfortable. As we were nearing the tomb entrance, my guide’s energy shifted, and he told me he was going to “napkin” me. He kept saying I am going to napkin you. I realized he was trying to say “kidnap.” I laughed it off as a joke, and his energy shifted back. Then as we were about to enter the tomb, his energy shifted again, and he said,
‘I am going to napkin you, kill you, and take your things”.

My heart began racing, but I remained calm and told him I needed to return as my driver awaited. Then he told me he was joking and urged me to go inside. Then he repeated the words, and it was as though I shifted into another reality. Everything around us appeared to be swirling and merging into other realities. Suddenly we were not in ancient Egypt but a vortex point where all timespace converged. This physical reality was experienced as just one of the wrap-around dimensions containing multiple time tracks with continuously opening and closing portals. The experience felt like an Eternity.

Then I returned to my body, and we were surrounded by people again in the main area. I asked him what had happened and why did he say that. He replied that he was testing my fear, and he claimed that’s what guides say to people before entering the tombs to make sure they won’t freak out and begin screaming. Though I was not happy about his threats, at a deeper level and in hindsight, I wondered if he was some initiator of Mystery Schools whom I had known at another time as our connection was undeniable though hard to place.

Many other experiences continued through the Valley of Queens, Karnak, and the Temple of Luxor. I was taken by the Temple of Hatshepsut, known as Egypt’s “forgotten female pharaoh.” She was the eldest daughter of King Thutmose I.

After this experience I spent a full day in silence in my room to absorb all that was occurring.

On the final day in Egypt Kin 103, Blue Crystal Night, I released half of the Excalibur Crystal into the Nile River. This day was Gregorian May 16 and the 9th year anniversary of the passing of Lloydine/Bolon Ik. I imagined I was dropping a walkie-talkie into the field of memory in the Nile, and I would keep the other half as a type of communication device.The intention was to break old patterns so that new patterns may emerge.

On that final night in Luxor, the Internet went out for several hours, and no communication devices worked. I didn’t sleep all night. Fortunately, the Internet returned in the early morning before I left for the airport. Getting out of Luxor was not easy. The taxi driver held my luggage in the trunk at the airport, demanding I tip him more, though I had already given him a generous tip. This was followed by a flight delay in Cairo after we had boarded, and we sat on the plane for 3 hours before it took off.

Upon arriving in Athens in the early evening, I checked into the Airbnb studio. I dropped off my luggage and went to get groceries. When I returned about 40 minutes later, all my clothes and belongings were strewn everywhere, and my backpack with my laptop, flash drive, and wallet, among other key items, was gone. All of my phone charging devices were also gone.

Fortunately, I could get ahold of the apartment owners, who took me to the police station. Many others were there who had the same thing occur. Police said there had been a crime wave during elections season and said don’t bet on getting anything back. While I did have a time machine backup for foundational computer files, I didn’t have them backed up for recent projects, including some new website content and a new ebook, as I do not use the cloud. So I had to release and let go.

The strange thing was that the thief pulled out my passport from the backpack, my keys, and a photo of Votan was open; all were left on a spare bed turned upright.

In over a decade of solo travel, I have never had one incident of theft or losing anything. And this occurred the day after the release of half the Excalibur into the Nile River. It seemed the intention to break old patterns worked immediately and I am still in process of a percptual rearrangement.

The owners of the apartment, George and Hermes, immediately put a new door with new locks on the outer entrance of the building. George, Kin 218, assured me it would be safe to stay there because nothing like this had ever happened, and a thief surely would not strike twice.

A few days later, on kin 106, I visited the Parthenon and Acropolis. On the walk there, I noted a little church and began having a deja vu. I remember riding my bike to this church in a dream. I went in and was drawn to an image of Christ. I sat and felt the most profound transmission of love. My heart burst open, and I sat there for over an hour, basking in this energy and feeling of warmth and wholeness. I also noted that most churches are built over sacred sites, so I was aware of the power of the land. There was an image of the crucifixion and resurrection. I reflected on how these are the themes we play out repeatedly through different cycles of time.

I contemplated that within the Holomind Perceiver, one must encounter and embody the Christ frequency (440) to enter the inner chambers of knowledge. Christ personified the archetype of resurrection. To “meet” Christ requires a deep level of purity without preconceptions— which, to me, translates as a willingness not to assume we know anything.

I was contemplating how this day, White Lunar Worldbridger, is one of 13 clear signs on the tomb of Pacal Votan. Then I heard an inner voice say: “This world is Maya— a mind-generated creation, a training ground, but not True Reality.” Then the thought dropped in my mind: “Galactic Maya are the benefactor of the human race.”

These words brought much feeling and memory. I was reminded to focus on what is Eternal and remember the impermanence of this world. My nervous system further relaxed, and my heart opened in the memory of this benevolent network of “overseers” of human affairs. I sensed a significant Presence and knew that everything would be OK no matter how things currently appeared. Further experiences and memories continued through the Parthenon and Acropolis, and the day proceeded gently and magically.

Then on Kin 109, I went out to get some juices. When I came back, my entire door was kicked in, the lock was ripped off, and all my things were scattered around again. Fortunately, there was nothing valuable left to take. George, Kin 218, and co-owner Hermes moved me to Hotel Niki. Niki means “people of victory.” The hotel was a few doors down from Babaji restaurant. I found it interesting, as it was at the Babaji ashram in Cisternino, Italy, that Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan gave his only 7-day Synchrotronon seminar, introducing the Holomind Perceiver.


When I arrived in Turin on Kin 112, Antonio and Elisabetta picked me up and took me to the meeting place of the Invisible College.

Turin, Italy is said to be a vortex point between light and darkness and is strongly connected to Egypt. Turin houses the second most significant Egyptian museum in the world next to Cairo. Jean-Francois Champllion, decipherer of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, said “the path to Memphis and Thebes passes through Turin.”

Turin is on the 45th parallel centered between the North Pole and the Equator. I grew up on the 45th parallel in Salem, Oregon. I found it interesting that the prophet Nostradamus had spent time in Turin.

After initial meetings in Turin, I was exhausted, so they took me to the hotel, where I was given room 104. Of course, this was the day of the initial theft. While resting in my room, I noted that kin 104 is a fractal of the 104,000-year Venus cycle. And, of course, Venus is connected to Quetzalcoatl as well as the Sumerian goddess Inanna.

As the morning star disappears,Inanna descends into the Underworld where she must pass through 7 gates. At each gate (corresponding to the 7 chakras) she is stripped of one of her powers. Finally she enters the inner sanctum, naked, and stands before the Queen of the Underworld. She is annihilated but then from the love of the people she is resurrected, regains her royal status and arises as the Queen of Heaven. 

I reflected on how these stories have similar themes of death and resurrection, from Horus to Christ to Quetzalcoatl, Inanna, Isis, and Osiris. The same story is told in many different ways. In essence, all stories and narratives playing out is one story. I contemplated: “What’s beyond the crucifixion and resurrection stories and all of the good vs. evil scripts?”

I noted from the time the Excalibur broke until the release date in Egypt was exactly 113 days, a key number associated with Quetzalcoatl. The crystal broke on Gregorian 1-23. The first day of the event in Italy was on Kin 113, which was exactly 123 days after the breaking of the crystal. Those are just a few of the many numerical synchronicities connected to this journey.

From losing the computer, I felt my inner computer activate, and knowledge began to cohere and synthesize at an accelerated rate. I knew I had a choice of feeling bad about the loss or perceiving it as something that served to further. It was a reminder that knowledge is in the field, not in our brain or a computer. Our brain is an antenna to tune into a greater field of knowledge and consciousness. The most valuable thing we can learn is how to attune our consciousness to the Greater Mind or Noosphere.

The 3-day workshop was magical, with 87 people from 10 countries. We noted the precise timing we were doing this “between the worlds reset” in Italy was 441 years since the implementation of the Gregorian calendar in 1582.

The workshop began on the 9th day of the 13-day serpent wave spell. A key theme was that the old grids and structures of the third dimension are crumbling; we are going from form to frequency, from a purely third-dimensional materialist mindset to a more telepathic operating system. We are being tested by loss and fear, and threats to our well-being. The more we resist and go into fear states, the more complex and prolonged the experience.

Cultivating our connection to Source through direct attunement is everything. It is the only thing that will “save” us as all collapses around us, and others come unhinged. We are to hold a steady anchor of calmness that comes through knowledge, and knowledge comes through attunement. Tuning our radio station to the Most High, we are accelerating into a new architecture where it becomes easier to let go and embrace the shifts and the new.

On the final day of our event in Italy, we spoke of the Galactic Tree of Life in the form of the Hunab Ku 21 geometry. This structure also represents the template of Tollan. Tollan represents the cosmic template of wholeness.

The journey had begun with the dream of the Tree of Life. Without knowing of this dream, Antonio gifted me with a deer skin inscribed with The Mayan Galactic Tree of Life that he got on his recent pilgrimage to Palenque. This symbolized me coming full circle in the dream. Mission complete and report on the Italy event will be put on in the FLT newsletter.

With special thanks to Antonio, Kin 225; Beppe, Kin 63; Elisabetta, Kin 243; and Bruna, Kin 36, of the Invisible College and to Rita, Kin 122, who owns and prepared the venue with such love. And thanks to Sole kin 2, from Spain, who was so kind to personally assist me throughout. If anyone from the event got this far in reading this and if you have any photos from the event please send them to include in the Italy report. Thank you. The trip concluded with a visit to the Church of the Great Mother of God in Turin, which was supposedly erected where a former Isis temple stood. .

I returned to the United States on flight 185 and got a new laptop soon after. It had been nearly three weeks without a computer and now catching up and working to recreate new website for launch on Overtone Wizard, July 26.

Further note from the Tree of Life dream. I looked up what the oldest tree was and found it was Prometheus. 

Note: As inspired by the Tree of Life dream, I researched the oldest tree and the number of rings and found this:

 A bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) known as Prometheus was cut down from Mt Wheeler in Nevada, USA, in 1963. Although 4,867 rings were counted, the tree was growing in a harsh environment which slowed its development, and thus its actual age is believed to have been approximately 5,200 years old.

29 thoughts on “Ancient Future Initiation: Egypt, Greece, Italy

  1. Amazing report !
    Maybe you are ready now to start realizing who is Thoth and what he did.. Your questions, intuitions following the thread and experiences…, oh thanks. Quetzalcoatl another name for him if you wondered. Finally truth is coming out.
    Recommended reading, once again… “Voyagers 2, Secrets of Amenti”. And for further and precise details check out the last dispensation of KDDL3 in about exactly what happened during that period and was opened in the last Hetharo, during your seminar. Will enjoy too all the Time markers… ;)
    Much Love ~
    Kin 7

  2. On Resonant Moon 12, Magnetic Star, just two days before your crystal broke, I tore my left calf muscle. It was a severe injury that has taken four months to heal. During this time I found myself reliving numerous traumatic events from my life that seemed to have been released by the tearing of muscle tissue. The traumatic events you talk about in the article feel similar to my recovery period. My 73rd year began on Electric Moon 7, Magnetic Monkey 2022, and intuitively I knew the year was going to be a challenge, but I didn’t know it was going to be this intense. Thank you for sharing. May the blessings of a thousand angels cover you in love.

  3. My dearest RQ, oh what ordeals and initiations we are going through. There was a major movement on Kin 106, related to Quetzalcóatl and Pacal Votan. I wrote to you about my synchronic mapping and discoveries, hope you have a chance sometime soon to check it out. I’ll write to you again in the coming days. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, it couldn’t have been easy and you always go through life with such grace. Much love to you.

      • Happy Day Out of Time to you too! I’m back from my Solar Return in Yucatán, Brought a LOT of information, will share with you soon. Also very excited that DOOT and New Solar ring are being celebrated in Palenque right now, and that Alberto Ruz Luillhier will be honored. Much love to you! Aida 222

  4. I’m just so glad you are safe. I miss you. It’s been quiet telepathically and I havent been in the codes as much as I was just before this trip. The synchs you shared brought smile :) Thank you for your service and your gridwork. I know the organic timeline is already set but now we all have to anchor it as consensus reality. What is the point of all this if we don’t get to experience living in a love-based reality?

  5. … well…. what a journey down the GAP days, thankyou for sharing, feel blessed to read it. Sending vibes always and love light to the maximum –

  6. Pingback: 13:20 frequency shift | Ontembare Vrouwen Web

  7. Thank you for sharing Stephanie.❤️

    Turin, Greece & Egypt are powerful locations all with very deep history. It was a pleasure to read and enjoy your experiences & sharings.
    Angelic blessings Beverley KIN58💜

  8. Dearest RQ, Just now seeing this unfolding message of great significance. My channeled poem from 1984 that I handed to Shirley MacLaine on stage during her “Connecting to Your Higher Self” seminary is titled: The Tree of Life. This was the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and to this day I believe Jose/VV was in the room. Today is Kin 196 – Yellow Magnetic Warrior. Shirley is Kin 96 – Yellow Overtone Warrior and the Warrior Wavespell is with us ALL. Also, I am hearing and see where the Banyon Tree on Maui has survived the fires. The Tree of Life supports us with amazing ease! – Delia Skye Kin 5

  9. Pingback: Noosphere, Magical Realms and the (Lost) Art of Self-Reflection | 13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT

  10. Pingback: Solar Eclipse: Synchronic Decodement | 13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT

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