Noosphere, Magical Realms and the (Lost) Art of Self-Reflection

  The Noosphere is encoded with the multidimensional scale of the universal cosmic mind. Cosmos appears or is experienced differently according to the level of perception and intelligence that is perceiving. –Cosmic History Chronicles, Volume 1

The noosphere can be likened to the higher Planetary Mind that we live in. This mind coordinates the whole of our reality into specific patterns that can be “read” through the synchronic order. 

In today’s world, we are bombarded with more information than we can process. We were born into a narrative that we did not create. Deeper contemplation and reflection of the bigger picture are often overridden by our addiction to external stimuli. 

Is there a message trying to get through to you? Have you have been too busy to hear?

Contemplation, stillness and self-reflection are not valued in our society; in fact much of this world is designed as a distraction from introspection.

There is constantly something new “trending” that is vying for our attention. But who is making it trend? And who wants our attention directed toward trends and specific narratives? And for what reason?

Slowing Down and Breathing Magic

There are worlds that exists outside of our frames of reference.

When we move our attention away from the outer world and direct it to the periphery of our awareness for long enough, a feeling of magic begins to enter. We begin to feel fresh ventilation clearing out rigid conditioning. Breath it in.

Magic is what happens when we step out of our conditioned time loops.

This magical reality is subtle. It is interactive. It is also referred to as noospheric consciousness. It responds to frequency. It demands a significant slowing down of our nervous system to enter–so that we might begin to perceive the layers beneath the surface noise.

For those who are sensitive, this world can feel very loud. 

This deeper Reality will never be broadcast on the headline news, and it won’t spark any viral trends in the outer world. But it is always “trending” internally and eternally.

See the vision of the Noosphere Nodes, a collective project to encourage self reflection and synchronic studies, in order to access deeper narratives.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” W.B. Yeats

What we call a “magical realm” is a natural consequence of living in the synchronic order.  It is the hidden path that is lit by synchronicity. It vibrates in the 13:20 frequency. It is the frequency where our destinies are revealed and unite. It requires self-reflective consciousness to enter.

In this frequency, whole other storylines are available–unseen doors open and we are reentered back into the world of infinite possibility. A place we never really left.

Example of Working with Dreams and Synchronic Order

I share here my recent inner process of self-reflection– in relation to dreams and synchronicities. May it inspire and empower your inner journey.

A few wavespells ago, I was having a particularly intense day and feeling the density and sadness of this world. No matter what I did, the heaviness permeated. 

I went for a walk, trying to shake the energy. I walked to a nearby bookstore and saw a card in the window that said: “Only in the dark can we see the stars.” —MLK. 

This sentence resonated deeply and flicked on an inner switch.

That night, I was contemplating the stars. What are they really? How can I experience what they are directly without the conditioning around them? 

In my meditation, I saw myself traveling in the dark guided by starlight. It was an earlier time. There were a few other people traveling with me. The sky was open and vast and the stars seemed to hold a special magic. I felt an intimate connection with them.

I saw what I perceived as Sirius and contemplated how this is really just a name. Humans ascribe names to what is ultimately a quality of energy or frequency.

How would I perceive the energy of this star if I did not associate a name with it? Would I even call it a star. What is it? Names are a way to conceptualize and distinguish different frequencies and qualities of energy. 

While I have had my fair share of “otherworldly” experiences, each day I wake up and feel like a blank slate and I’m always ready for fresh perceptions. I continued my star contemplation I wanted to know what the ancestors knew about stars. Was each star a portal to other worlds? And if so, does each world have its unique forms of life and its own rules or laws of physics? How can I experience this directly right now?

Then, I suddenly became hyper self-aware. I wondered who am “I” to be able even to contemplate such things? Who is directing my mind toward this? Is my future self directing my mind?

I became absorbed in studying how my mind works. I entered witness mode, and watched as my focus was a then directed into pondering the music of the spheres and the lost planets. Is each star just a note in a cosmic symphony? Who is the cosmic deejay playing the current soundtrack?

These reflections continued until finally, I wondered if the stars were merely a holographic projection concealing a vaster truth that I cannot yet grasp. 

I contemplated how we must have all this knowledge inside of us, or we would not be able to reflect on it.  I fell asleep in this contemplation. 

I woke up to a dream.

In the dream, I saw a man waving at me as if to get my attention. I recognized him as a teenage boy I had known when I was 14. He was a few years older and had tutored me in geometry. Math was my least favorite subject at the time. I had not thought of him in years.

All day I wondered about him. He seemed somehow connected to the stars. I looked him up on the Internet. I was shocked to find his obituary. I called my cousin, who had grown up in the same town as him. She sadly informed me that he had taken his own life in 2021. I looked up his birthdate in the obituary: July 8, 1970: Kin 51: Blue Crystal Monkey. 

I noted that we are now in the 51st spin of the Harmonic Convergence. The apartment I was visiting when I had the dream was 2130. 21+ 30 = 51. This past Kin 1 (October 21, 2023), the psi chrono was Kin 51.

Numbers code different levels of information, and combined with intuition, can open facets of knowledge that might otherwise be overlooked.

Kin 51 is also the signature of Madame Blavatsky who wrote The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled. This prompted me to review some old notes I had taken about her. I was amazed to find that she had journeyed by boat from Athens, Greece, to Cairo, Egypt, in 1872. On the journey, there was an explosion, and all but 14 people died. She lost all of her belongings. This interested me after the recent trip I just experienced in Greece and Egypt with the robbery and theft of my computer. 

I also noted that some believe the Great Pyramid of Giza is aligned to an angle of 51 degrees and 51 minutes. (This has led to various esoteric interpretations related to the significance of the pyramid’s geometry).

I noted the date 1872 is 2781 backward.

2781 – 1872 = 909. 

909 is the area code of San Bernardino and Riverside, CA, where my close friend Sham Tok Maru, Kin 68, had lived.  

68 + 51 = 119: Blue Lunar Storm. This was the first year of the Nine-Year Vision Map that concludes in 2029. We will enter midpoint on Blue Rhythmic Storm (26 July, 2024).

Of course, 1872 is a fractal of the 1,872,000 baktun cycle starting in 3113 C.

That same day, I stopped at a coffee shop. A man struck up a conversation; he said he drove the truck and was dropping things off near Area 51. I jokingly asked if he saw any aliens. He said, “How do you know I am not one?” 

Then he told me how, at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, there is an (alleged) secret underground area with a transportation system that leads to Area 51. I noted that it is curious that the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas shoots out a beam every night and is the brightest light in the world. And now there is also a giant sphere near it with the highest resolution LED screen on Earth. U2 is the first band to play there.

But I digress–now back to 1872. Yellowstone National Park was established that year.

Also, I noted the following: 

18,720 = 72 Tzolkin cycles of 260 days

18,720 = 52 tun cycles of 360 days. 

72 x 260 = 52 x 360. Both equal 18,720.

Synchronically, I came across a book by Maurice Cotterell that put forth the relation of 187.2 cycles about sunspot cycles. While I found this interesting; I was more interested in the synchronicity and the timing of finding this information, which seemed to be for the purpose of turning my attention to the current sunspot cycles and what is occurring in the Sun. And on the reflections go …

While multidimensional operations of consciousness are normal for the noosphere, for the human this is paranormal. Paranormal phenomena help stretch the mind towards those places of consciousness that indicate some kind of higher level of existence that we are (perhaps) supposed to be striving for. –Cosmic History Chronicles, Volume 1


Note: Most posts are now going onto Inner Time –which was created to go deeper into the work. There are regular posts every 13 days, including audio and live streams, of which the next is on Kin 51/December 10. The Cosmic History public site will continue to have more added next Gregorian year, so keep checking back.


17 thoughts on “Noosphere, Magical Realms and the (Lost) Art of Self-Reflection

  1. As red planetary moon is the kin I entered this life with, today is a particularly enhanced space of self-reflection and consequently self-remembrance. It is becoming increasingly clear that the basic premise of magic- the subtle rules the gross- is our primary motivator to come into unity with the Divine consciousness that has created all reality. We each have been given this capacity and it is our responsibility.

  2. }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{Everything stated here is in the knowspheric realm{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
    Your innerchild; the you that you brought with you when you were born,
    Pure Creation; This is what you must understand to -best- develop a friendship with others.
    Friendship IS communication.
    We are ALL connected. We communicate only in truth and purity.
    Everything we ask for is available however we must modulate and –communicate– in order to “see” the outcomes fruit.
    How do we communicate?…
    Address your innerchild, reconnect with your innerchild, speak through your innerchild when you want something.
    We all ‘speak’ to each other through our connection to our innerchild, meaning; the more connected to our innerchild that you are, the more capable the outcome is to being ‘brought’ into fruition.
    Only the parts of your innerchild that you are aligned with are able to communicate to your friends/neighbors/fellow Solar inhabitants.
    Realign with your innerchild before you go into your dreamstate…

  3. Luv this! I have been gently visualising my chakras when I get into bed at night, using colours and the do,re,me musical scale(internally vocalising) which is easy 4 me as I’m a musician. The explanation of paranormal in relation to my own consciousness is very helpful as I don’t resonate (Kin176 resonant warrior Lol) with the usual definition of paranormal…as basically all ghosts/ufo’s etc phenomenon. I’m finding the chakra visualisation around the LA vocal (third eye) quite powerful. And the gentleness of this meditation(?) is really lovely. Thank You for this post. Xx

    • thank you so much for this beautiful reply–and I hear you on “paranormal” — So many words have been coopted from their original meaning (which is why numbers, colors, music are more universal :).

  4. Wow just wow such a inspiring article and experience and thank you for letting us know it helped me lots to understand surten things happening now to me Husband just passed away and I am super hyper reciving help from the Noosphere at this moment in my heavyest time !

    • Ohhh dear Warrior– so sorry to hear about your husbands 3d exit–may you be given all the strength to navigate the intensity of the waves this brings–focalizing on all the love. We will all meet again! All my love and support to you…

  5. I am reading your post on 57 Red Overtone Earth, Red Earth being the seal for synchronicity and my same natal seal. I was feeling the same heaviness upon waking this morning that you describe. I pulled up your post, which I opened a few days ago, but hadn’t had a chance to read yet. I can’t help but comment as I felt chills while reading with how many synchronicities I noticed.

    I have a manifestation card deck that I use daily. Each day I pull a card with the question that aligns with the step of the current wavespell — so, on day one I ask, “what is my purpose?”; on day two, “what is my challenge?”; day 3, “what is my service?”; and so on. On the first day of this current wavespell 5, asking “what is my purpose?”, I drew card 51 Release Tension. And on kin 51 Blue Crystal Monkey, to the question/step of the wavespell “How can I dedicate myself to all that lives?”, I drew card 17 Align with Nature — 17 being the Red Earth solar seal which is today’s kin as well as my natal seal. So on kin 51, I drew card 17 (the Red Earth seal number), and on today Red Earth, I am reading about the number 51 in your post. And my “purpose” for this wavespell was drawn as card number 51.
    I am traveling with my family in our converted sprinter van right now, and yesterday we began our journey in West Yellowstone, Montana. We traveled for some time on Interstate 15, which is 51 backwards. While driving, my husband and I chatted about the current solar cycle, the X-class flare that occurred two days ago on kin 55 (Dec. 14), and even listened to an astrologer’s latest video on the current solar cycle 25 and unstable geomagnetic activity occurring.

    We turned east in Utah toward Moab, but had we continued on IH 15, we would have traveled straight to the Luxor in Las Vegas, which lies at exit 37 off IH 15. Additionally, Area 51 lies at latitude 37 degrees. My daughter is kin 51 Blue Crystal Monkey; I am kin 37 Red Spectral Earth. About Area 51, Wikipedia states that it was attained primarily for flight testing the Lockheed U-2 aircraft. And, I’ll add this one just for fun—while typing this comment, I glanced up in time to see a passing road sign which indicated the next town was 37 miles away 😄.

    I thank you for these posts because each time I read them, I feel more connected to the magic, synchronicity, and patterns that underlie this material dream. Being a Red Earth kin, there is not a day goes by that I don’t make note of number patterns and synchronicities showing up in my life. This one felt like it was speaking directly to me.

    • Got to love the synchronicity! You are tuned! I also noted from your Area 51 description, that it mentions U-2 aircraft — and noting the band U2 are the first to play in the 2.5 billion Sphere in Las Vegas–largest spherical structure on planet. hmmm….

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