Initiatic Journey, Healing and The Uninscribed

Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.—Carl Jung, Kin 234 Red Electric Serpent.

I am happy to officially announce that The Uninscribed: Initiation into the Heart of Time just went to the printer this morning on Red Electric Serpent. Shipping should start in a few weeks.

The entire process from beginning to end has been deeply initiatic. It is my Soul testimony.   It is a testimony on behalf of GM108X. It is about the inner journey. It is about the process of memory retrieval. It is a New Beam Genesis story.

We are all undergoing some type of initiation at this time. The heat has been turned up on Planet Earth, pressing us into embodying the truth of who we are. There is no way out, but In. And no one is exempt from feeling the shifts of such intense (inter)planetary transformation. It is what we do with these energies that counts.

For years, I have had great resistance to writing this book for a variety of reasons. In some ways, the experiences over the past years were so sacred, and required such context, that I feared I would not be able to articulate them well enough. There are other factors that are controversial, and some people warned me not to reveal details of my own journey of initiation. However, I feel we are now at a time of disclosure as we move into an age of embodiment.

To create a new world that we want to live in, we have to tell new stories.

This story serves as a template to view your own life. Some adhere to the Don Juan Matus adage to “drop your story.” I feel that is true, but only after your story has been understood, integrated, and processed. We each need to comprehend our own life so that we can see the greater patterning that we are woven from.

Some themes in this book might be uncomfortable, shocking, or “far out,” based on where you are at in your own inner journey.

This book is meant to be a mirror to help reflect different aspects of yourself back to you. Ultimately there is only YOU and your Creator.

We are living in a time of the final battle of frequencies or time wars—we are in a tug-of-war of souls. Each of us is being called to face our shadows head-on, shed our third-dimensional conditionings, and wake up to what is actually happening within ourselves and on our Planet.

My intention is that by sharing my journey, as honestly as possible, that it will assist you in further comprehension and self-reflection of your own journey.

My other intention is that this book will reflect a new angle of light on what this knowledge of the Law of Time and Cosmic History actually is. And also to shed new light on what the work of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan was and is, and its supreme relevance to the time we now find ourselves in.

My core intention in everything I do is for the personal and planetary healing of all beings. That is all I really care about. We have suffered enough. Being kind to each other and having respect for those who look or think differently than us has never been more important if we are to take this Planet into its next octave. Knowledge, and even activism, means nothing if we are not connected to our hearts.

The truth of the world is far vaster than any of us can comprehend. Once we reach a point where the aim of the world is not concerned with what we can see with our eyes, then the meaning of our daily lives will be very different.

Though my story is under the genre of “spiritual memoir,” it is not just a personal story, but a story meant to assist in expanding our perceptions about ourselves and the world as well as healing the ancient trauma(s) set forth in other times and worlds.

Love and In Lak’ ech, I am another YOURSELF. Stephanie–Kin 185

P.S. My apologies if you have written to me, and I have not gotten back to you yet. Nothing personal, but this work requires much prolonged concentration. I value each of you so much, and appreciate your understanding.

Also thanks to Ik Nehuen and Gabi for managing our new Instagram site, to circulate  images of Cosmic History and the galactic future.

Preorder now and spread this information. It’s circulation is dependent on your sharing. I am not so much on social media :) Thanks for your support!




9 thoughts on “Initiatic Journey, Healing and The Uninscribed

  1. Greetings soul sister. Excited to get this book and time capsule. I have wrote to you in The Noosphere. Hope you catch my thought waves
    I see you in the higher realms often
    Afiya Kin 50 ( pulsing currently through Kin 140 of my 52 year cycle)

  2. Pingback: Parcours initiatique, Guérison et « Sans inscription » ou « Le non inscrit » | 13 Lunes

  3. i am looking forward to this read.We are all on a journey to self.The past present nad future combine into one as we are our own souls journey to perfection.Thank you for sharing and may we all get acquainted to our own Valum Volun

  4. Looking forward to finding your book after I’ve returned from Britain to The Netherlands, for a long break in my home. That will be a special homecoming! Thank you, Stephanie, for your sincerity. I’m grateful that Jose Arguelles alias Valum Votan will see his work coming to fruition on planet Earth.
    By your presence on it and all others who are kin in spirit and sacred warriorship.

  5. Stephanie: Hoy entendí que el número 108 de la transmisión maya galáctica también es una proporción. A veces nos enredamos con las medidas impuestas por la tecnósfera, como millas o kilómetros, pero Pitágoras siempre se refería a proporciones más que a unidades de medida que pueden ser antojadizas.
    Pero la proporción no puede engañar.
    La distancia entre la Luna y la Tierra, son 108 Lunas.
    Y la distancia entre la Tierra y el Sol, son 108 Soles.
    Ni que decirte que 108 es la octava menor de 216, que a su vez es la octava menor de 432. Nada más y nada menos que la afinación musical correcta.
    Hice un estudio de estos números que quisiera compartirte.
    Un abrazo y gracias por nombrar a don Juan Matus !

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